Why Home Staging is More Important Now that We are Living in a Seller's Market


Ok, we all know that the real estate markets nationwide are HOT, HOT, HOT!!! They are especially hot here in Jacksonville, FL.

We can't express enough to our agent partners that even though it might seem unnecessary to stage their listings now, it's a huge advantage to them and their pockets if they do.

Today, I'll be sharing with you the 3 biggest benefits of staging in a competitive seller's market…


Benefit #1 - Staging Enhances a Home's Perceived Value

First, it's important that a listing must sell for asking price in a seller's market because we want that seller to immediately turn around and be able to purchase their next home in the same market. Home staging helps by increasing a home's perceived value to get to dollar, or even higher!


Benefit #2 - Staging Reduces the Impact of a Home's Imperfections

Secondly, buyers are almost always at the top of their financial ability in a seller's market and therefore will not be able to afford repairs or renos. Staging can help them look past any imperfections because we have given them the ability to "see" how they can potentially live in their dream home. Those pesky imperfections can be overlooked or acknowledged, but not considered a deal-breaker.


Benefit #3 - Staging Speeds Up the Sale with Quality Photos

Lastly, buyers don't always have the opportunity to view the home they are interested in in-person. In a seller's market, homes move pretty quickly. So having those professionally-staged, professionally-photographed pictures on the MLS will help to sell your listing on paper! It's no secret that buyers shop online first, so make sure those photos don't disappoint.

Worried that a seller's market might be too fast-paced and competitive to handle alone? We've got your back every step of the way! Contact us today.
